October 15, 2008

Rule Britannia [sound recording] : a stirring collection of Bristish music. M1 R854x 2001
Baroque favourites [sound recording] / Capella [sic] Istropolitana. M1000.C36 B37x 1988
Mer [sound recording] ; Trois nocturnes / Debussy. M1000.D43 M47x 1984
Orchestral works [sound recording] / Delius. M1000.D45 O73x 2001
Symphonie no. 1, op. 68 [sound recording] / Johannes Brahms. M1001.B73 S96x 1983
Symphony no. 5 in E minor, op. 64 [sound recording] / Tchaikovsky. M1001.T34 S96x 1986
Rhapsody on a theme by Paganini [sound recording] : op. 43 / Sergej Rachmaninoff. Piano concerto no. 2 in G minor, op. 22 / Camille Saint-Sae¿¿ns. M1010.R33 R453x 1982
Violin concerto no. 2, op. 66 [sound recording] : I profeti = the prophets / Castelnuovo-Tedesco. Violin concerto / Ben-Haim. M1012.C378 V56x 1992
Konzert fu¿¿r Violoncello und Orchester, op. 104 [sound recording] = Cello-concerto = Concerto pour violoncelle / Anton Dvor¿¿a¿¿k. Variationen u¿¿ber ein Rokoko-Thema : fu¿¿r Violoncello und Orchester = Variations on a rokoko theme = Variations sur un th M1016.D86 K66x 1984
Arabesque [sound recording] : romantic harp music of the 19th century. M115.D735 A73x 1987
Evelyn Glennie [sound recording] : her greatest hits. M146.G54 E94x 1997
Carmen [sound recording] : highlights / Bizet ; [libretto by Henri Meilhac & Ludovic Hale¿¿vy]. M1505.B593 C37x 2000
Sacre du printemps [sound recording] ; L'oiseau de feu. Suite = Der Feuervogel = The firebird / Igor Stravinsky. M1520.S77 S23x 1990
Gebeurde in het Westen [sound recording] = Il e¿¿tait une fois dans l'ouest = Once upon a time in the West / komponist en dirigent, Ennio Morricone. M1527.2.M67 O53x 1983
Carmina Burana [sound recording] / Orff. M1530.O74 C37x 1989
Richard Crooks in songs and ballads [sound recording]. M1619.C766 R53x 1997
Te Deum [sound recording] / Arvo Pa¿¿rt. M2021.P37 T4x 1993
Kanon pokajanen [sound recording] / Arvo Pa¿¿rt. M2100.2.P37 K36x 1998
Polonaises [sound recording] / Chopin. M30.C46 P65x 1980z
Pieces de clavecin en concerts [sound recording] : No. 4, No. 2, No. 1, No. 5, No. 3 / Rameau. M421.R36 P54x 1991

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

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